One of the most mysterious autoimmune diseases is psoriasis. The disease cannot be completely cured, it affects patients of different age categories and manifests itself in the form of raised red-pink spots. If you have the necessary information, you can recognize the first signs of psoriasis yourself, but in order to accurately diagnose the pathology and prescribe a course of treatment, you should contact a specialist. Timely detection of pathology helps to quickly reduce symptoms and gives a greater chance of achieving long-term remission.
The presented material contains information about the first manifestations of psoriasis in women and men. In addition, the article provides a detailed answer to the question of how to recognize psoriasis in the initial stage and what to do to avoid the progression of the disease.
Causes of disease
Before we move on to the signs of the disease, it is necessary to become better acquainted with the causes of its occurrence.
More information!The exact cause of the disease is currently unknown to science. There are a number of scientific theories that explain the manifestation of the disease.
The most justified among them are:
- immune;
- genetic.

Since psoriasis belongs to the category of autoimmune diseases, and the dysfunction of the immune system can actually cause the development of the disease, which has been proven many times, the immune theory is the most justified.
However, the importance of the genetic theory should not be underestimated, because according to statistical research, the probability that a patient whose parents have psoriasis is 70%.
Factors that contribute to the manifestation of signs of psoriasis:
- misuse of fatty foods, foods rich in emulsifiers, leavening agents, colors and other food additives;
- excessive alcohol consumption;
- smoking, drug use;
- exposure to stress, frequent emotional outbursts, increased anxiety;
- frequent use of chemically aggressive drugs;
- excessive use of certain drugs;
- mechanical damage to the skin.
Beginning of psoriasis, general signs of the disease
There are several forms of psoriasis, each with specific signs and symptoms. However, some manifestations of the disease, the appearance of which indicates the development of the disease, are characteristic of all forms of pathology.
Beginning of psoriasis, signs (common for all forms of the disease):
- the appearance of pimples (papules) on the skin;
- enlargement of the affected area, spreading of the rash;
- lamination of the nail plate;
- peeling skin;
- appearance of blisters on palms and feet;
- the appearance of burning and itching.
More information!The first signs of psoriasis in women are identical to those that occur in men and children. The nature of the rash that occurs in the initial stages of the development of the pathology is mistakenly confused with an allergic one, but the nature and causes of this lesion are somewhat different.
The first symptoms of psoriasis in different forms of the disease

Most often, patients are exposed to the following forms of psoriasis:
- Vulgar or simple psoriasis;
- Seborrhea;
- Psoriasis of the soles and palms;
- nail psoriasis;
- Inverse or folding psoriasis;
- In the shape of a tear.
Let's take a closer look at the signs and symptoms of these forms of pathology.
Signs of psoriasis vulgaris
Psoriasis vulgaris can be diagnosed in the early stages. The first signs of this form of the disease are expressed by the appearance of rounded pink-red plaques covered with silvery scales, which after a certain time begin to peel and itch.
In some cases, the appearance of plaques may be preceded by the formation of papules on the scalp and joints (elbows, ankles and knees).
Note!In the initial stage of the disease, papules formed on the epidermis may not bother the patient for a long time. They do not cause pain, are hardly noticeable and do not itch, so some patients mistakenly confuse them with allergies.
How to distinguish a psoriatic rash from the manifestations of an allergic reaction:
- psoriatic papules peel easily;
- when the papular rash is scraped off, terminal film phenomena appear;
- Further scraping of the papule leads to the appearance of small drops of blood.
The characteristic of psoriatic rash that distinguishes it from the signs of other diseases is the fact that the affected area decreases or even disappears completely in the summer, and increases in the winter.
Seborrheic psoriasis
The first signs of seborrheic psoriasis appear on the scalp, later the pathology spreads to the shoulders and facial skin. The danger of this form lies in its secretive nature, because unlike simple vulgar psoriasis, seborrheic psoriasis is not characterized by the formation of papules, sometimes it can manifest itself only in the form of peeling of the scalp. To get rid of dandruff, many patients use special anti-dandruff shampoos, mistaking psoriasis for ordinary seborrhea.
Important!After detecting the first signs of the disease, you should contact a dermatologist, an experienced specialist will be able to diagnose the disease and prescribe treatment. It is recommended to fight the disease in the initial stages of its development, which significantly increases the chances of reducing the symptoms of the disease and achieving long-term remission.
If the treatment of seborrheic psoriasis is not prescribed on time, the disease gradually affects the skin on the shoulders, ears, forehead and face. Subsequent stages of the development of the pathology are characterized by the appearance of plaques, increased burning and itching. Getting rid of these symptoms is much more difficult than getting rid of peeling characteristic of the first stage of the disease, but with the help of modern methods it is still possible to achieve the desired result.
Inverse psoriasis (fold psoriasis)

Characteristics of inverse psoriasis:
- the location of the disease is folds under the armpits, on the genitals, in the groin, under the mammary glands;
- psoriatic patches are shiny, smooth, bright red;
- plaques that look like ordinary spots practically do not peel off, so the manifestations of the disease are often confused with irritation resulting from increased sweating;
- signs of psoriasis in men - a rash on the inner surface of the foreskin, the head of the penis is also usually affected;
- A rash in the area of the labia minora is typical for women.
Psoriasis of palms and soles
The localization of this form of pathology is the palms and feet. Plaques have a callus-like shape with a dense surface; later such psoriasis phenomena as terminal film and bloody dew appear. Sometimes cracks form on the affected surface, which cause physical discomfort when walking.
The symptoms of the disease can be alleviated by the use of special ointments and medicines.
nail psoriasis
Early signs of nail psoriasis include:
- separation of the nail plate;
- fragility of nails, their thickening;
- change in the color of the nail plate;
- the appearance of white transverse stripes, dots and spots on the nail;
- formation of bleeding under the nail plate.
Patients whose relatives suffer from psoriasis, and from any of its forms, are more susceptible to psoriatic onychodystrophy, so these people should take more care of their health, especially the condition of their nails.
Guttate psoriasis
The pathology occurs mainly on the thighs, the papules are teardrop-shaped, which actually explains the etymology of the name of this type of disease. Over time, rashes form on other parts of the skin, which indicates the progression of the disease.
To summarize, we can highlight the basic rules that must be followed in the case of psoriasis:
- the occurrence of autoimmune pathology indicates the presence of disorders in the functioning of the entire body system, especially the immune system;
- If the disease is detected in the early stages, immediately consult a dermatologist and do not engage in self-medication, which can lead to the development of the disease and deterioration of health.